Defensive Pistol 2

Defensive Pistol 2 builds upon the skills taught in Defensive Pistol 1. It introduces additional skills and enables students to raise their previously learned skills to higher levels. This class includes working on fast and efficient presentation, precise shooting, mid to long-range distance shooting, decision making while shooting, head-to-head competition drills, and shooting the FBI Qualification course for score. All shooting will be done from concealment.  It’s a challenging and fun course.  Defensive Pistol 1 is a prerequisite.


A Texas LTC or equivalent from another state is required for this class. Prior to taking this class you should have had some training in basic gun safety, shooting fundamentals, and how to safely draw from a holster.  Because of the equipment requirements and the cost of equipment, The Holster Course is strongly recommended first. If you have not, please consider Handgun Primer and The Holster Course.


Among the course material:


  • Increased presentation speed from the concealed carry holster;

  • Accurate shooting at high speed;

  • Getting hits at longer distances and precise shots;

  • Fast and reliable reloading techniques under stress;

  • One handed shooting;

  • Malfunction remedies;

  • Study of historical gun fights relevant to armed citizens;

  • Much more.


Course Duration: 6 hours, includes classroom and range time.


Cost: $180, separate range fees may apply.


Required Equipment:


  • Quality handgun

  • Quality belt mounted holster made to fit your handgun

  • Outside the waistband (OWB), inside the waistband (IWB) or appendix inside the waistband (AIWB) are acceptable.  Cross draw, small of the back, ankle, fanny pack, purse, chest, hanging and shoulder holsters are not permitted.  

  • The holster mouth must be rigid and not collapse on removal of the handgun

  • The holster MUST cover completely the trigger and trigger guard of the pistol

  • Up to 500 rounds of quality ammunition

  • Range or practice ammunition is fine, there is no need to use expensive defensive ammunition

  • At least one additional magazine or speedloader for your pistol (more is better)

  • A belt mounted (support side) magazine or speedloader pouch is strongly recommended.  Loaners may be available on advance notice for a surcharge.

  •  A sturdy belt that supports the weight of your equipment

  •  Eye and ear protection.  Muff style, electronic hearing protection is recommended

  • A baseball style cap is required for range work

  • Appropriate clothing for weather (we train in the rain), sunscreen, water, snacks and folding chair are recommended.

  • Appropriate concealment garment for your pistol and holster.